18 May 2020

CORONAVIRUS: Impact on the High Income Child Benefit Charge

Has your household income dropped below the £50,000 during the COVID-19 pandemic? You may be eligible to claim Child Benefits now tax free! Read on to find out more...

Could you be entitled to tax free Child Benefits?

With many employees and the self-employed being furloughed, being made redundant, or making lower profits, their income for 2020/21 may well fall below the £50,000 limit at which child benefit starts being taxed.

The charge is 1% for every £100 that adjusted net income exceeds £50,000 multiplied by the child benefit claimed in respect of the children. Note that the rate of Child Benefit increased from 6th April to £21.05 a week for the eldest child and £13.95 for each additional child.

Many couples with income over £60,000, when the benefit is fully taxed stopped, claiming Child Benefit rather than have to repay it back in tax. They should therefore reinstate their claims if the income of the higher paid taxpayer could drop back below £60,000.

Questions? We can help!

As usual, if we can be of assistance please get in touch with us today and let us help you and your business during these difficult times. Contact our Director, Nick Bonnello, directly on 0115 964 8860 or email him at nickb@rwbca.co.uk to utilise your free, 30 minute consultation and find out how we can help you across all areas of your business.

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